Using Digital Tools to Facilitate PLC Conversations

Using Digital Tools to Facilitate PLC Conversations


Big Idea

Shared experiences and conversations about a school’s core principles are critical for ensuring that all teachers are working in the same direction.  Digital tools can provide safe and timely forums for collaborative dialogue and should become a meaningful part of any building’s overall communication plan. 



Session Agenda



This document is the master agenda for the May 14, 2008 presentation on using digital tools to facilitate PLC conversations.  It includes a session schedule, a document outlining the advantages of asynchronous communication, and a handout detailing the process for adding comments to a Voicethread presentation.



The Power of Professional Conversations

This Voicethread includes a selection of quotes that are designed to elicit conversation about the core elements of Professional Learning Communities.  It can also be found online at:




PowerPoint:  Power of Professional Conversations



This PowerPoint presentation includes the quotes used in the Voicethread forming the cornerstone of this session.  It can be used by participants to facilitate conversations between their faculty members if needed.